Building Green Teams

"Why Compost" Student Contest
Royal Oak Schools is inviting students to participate in the "Why Compost?" contest, an opportunity to explore the benefits of composting through essays or visual art.
Read More about "Why Compost" Student Contest


Royal Oak Schools is taking a big step toward sustainability by implementing composting in our cafeterias, and we need your help to make it a success! Together, we can reduce waste, educate our students, and create a healthier environment for our community.

Why Composting Matters:
Composting is a simple but impactful way to turn food scraps and other organic materials into nutrient-rich soil, reducing waste sent to landfills. By participating, you’re helping the planet and teaching students the importance of sustainable practices.

How You Can Help:
We’re looking for dedicated volunteers to assist in our cafeterias with sorting waste.

Volunteers Will:
Guide students in properly sorting compostable items, plastics, and other recyclables into the correct bins.
Work directly with students, fostering their understanding of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Volunteer Details:
When: Flexible shifts are available during lunch hours.
Where: School cafeterias across Royal Oak Schools.
Who: Parents, guardians, and community members passionate about making a difference.

Get Involved Today! Sign up now to become a composting volunteer. Let’s make our schools greener, one lunch at a time.


December 2024

Our Green Teams are making great strides in sustainability, and we need your help! We're looking for volunteers to assist students with composting during lunchtime in our school cafeterias. Short shifts are available, and all volunteers must complete a background check. To sign up, contact the school of your choice.

What’s New in Our Green Efforts?

  • The high school now uses compostable boats. Compostable boats are food containers made from materials that can break down and be returned to the soil, such as paper, bamboo, or pinewood.
  • All schools have transitioned to compostable trays.
  • Oakland and Oak Ridge have introduced compostable cups.
    Compostable products are made from organic elements or plants that break down over time and produce humus, which is a rich part of soil.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to expand our sustainability program through recycling and creating our own compost!


October 2024

Royal Oak Schools has implemented composting and recycling programs across our schools. Our focus on sustainability is at the heart of our district’s ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship. These initiatives reduce our ecological footprint and provide hands-on learning opportunities for students to engage in eco-friendly practices.

From composting food waste in cafeterias to recycling efforts in classrooms, we aim to educate students on the importance of sustainability. Step one is integrating these initiatives into our schools' daily lives. Several schools, such as Addams Elementary, Upton Elementary, and Oakland Elementary, have implemented programs to compost pre-consumer food scraps. This means that food waste from meal preparation, such as vegetable peelings and kitchen leftovers, is being composted before it reaches students' plates.

Other schools, including Keller Elementary, Northwood Elementary, and Oak Ridge Elementary, are composting post-consumer uneaten food. Students are encouraged to place any unfinished or uneaten food into composting bins

In addition to these composting efforts, all Royal Oak Schools, including Royal Oak Middle School, are now using compostable lunch trays. This transition to eco-friendly trays demonstrates the district's commitment to sustainability by minimizing plastic and foam waste.

New initiatives this year include Royal Oak High School serving food in paper boats made from recycled materials, further reducing the environmental impact of packaging. Churchill Community High School has also joined the movement by using compostable bags for meals. Posters like the one below are now up in all lunchrooms across the district.

If you would like more information about this initiative or join the Green Team, reach out to [email protected].

Compost Right Poster


August 2024

As Royal Oak Schools moves towards a greener future, we are excited to announce the formation of Green Teams at our schools. These teams will play a crucial role in our new composting and zero-waste initiatives, set to begin this fall and roll out throughout the year.

In partnership with the City of Royal Oak Sustainability department, we are hosting informational sessions monthly to help identify potential Green Team members. Look to social media for dates and times. We aim to have enthusiastic volunteers identified for each school, ensuring the smooth and successful implementation of our environmental programs.

Additionally, we encourage everyone to take advantage of volunteer opportunities at the Royal Oak Farmer’s Market composting and zero-waste education events. These events are an excellent way to learn about composting firsthand and gain insights into what to expect when our schools start their composting programs this school year.

We believe that community involvement and education can foster a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship within our schools.

Volunteer at the Farmers Market