Curriculum and Instruction

Royal Oak Schools has developed a core curriculum based on the Common Core Standards. These K-12, Common Core Standards were designed by a state-led committee targeting better preparation for college and success in the global economy for all students. In addition, the district's International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme have been designed to meet those specific standards.

Royal Oak School students will be well-prepared as life-long learners for high school, college and beyond. 

For more information about specific instruction areas, please visit the sites below.

Helen Keller Elementary IB Primary Years Programme

Royal Oak Middle School and Royal Oak High School Middle Years Programme

K-12 English Language Development Program and Resources

Special Education Department

Elementary English Language Arts

ELA Benchmark Assessments

i-Ready Family Guide

i-Ready Family Guide (Spanish)

i-Ready Family Video

i-Ready Family Video (Spanish)

K-5 English Language Arts Curriculum

ELA Common Core Aligned Units

DK-2nd Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum

Primary Years Heggerty Parent Newsletter


M-STEP Testing

Testing is designed to be manageable for students by breaking it up into small sessions over several days. The testing schedule is designed to be safe, fulfill state testing requirements, and provide meaningful data while being minimally disruptive to learning as possible.

As we plan for the administration of these assessments, we will continue to monitor communication from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and the United States Department of Education (USDE).

We ask that your child is at school on time on each of the scheduled testing days and comes to school well-rested.

Also, electronic devices (smartphones, smart watches, cell phones, book readers, electronic tablets, cameras, non-approved calculators, music players, voice recorders, etc.) are not allowed to be with students during the testing sessions.

M-STEP Resources For Parents

M-STEP: What can students expect?

Online Practice for M-STEP ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies

Student Testing, What Parents Can Do to Help Students Prepare


98c Learning Loss

On July 14, 2022, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed into law Public Act 144 of 2022. Section 98c (MCL 388. 1698c) of the act appropriates $52,056,000 in federal funding for local education agencies to address learning loss as part of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund and part of the Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) II Fund. The funds support goal 5 of Michigan’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan.

ROS 98c Learning Loss Plan

ROS 98c Board of Education Presentation 10/13/2022


23g MI Kids Back on Track Plan


The $149.4 million MI Kids Back on Track grant (MCL388.1623g) supports programs to address unfinished learning, get students to grade-level academic standards, provide additional academic assistance to students at risk of falling behind their peers, or help high school students prepare for postsecondary education.

Use this link for information on the MI Kids Back On Track grant.

For more information regarding the Royal Oak Schools 23g plan, please click this link: 23g MI Kids Back on Track Plan.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact:

Jennifer Knipper
Supervisor of Continuous Improvement
248-435-8400 x3562


Executive Director Curriculum & Instruction: Dr. Joseph Youanes
Administrative Assistant:
Marnie Pinho
248-435-8400 x1232

Supervisor, Continuous Improvement Jennifer Knipper
248-435-8400 x3562

Supervisor, Elementary Education: Anne Njovu
248-435-8400 x1217

Supervisor, Secondary Education: Ben Roeder
248-435-8400 x1099

Data Compliance Analyst:
Sarah Mohler 



Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.