Board Committees

The Board of Education welcomes citizens and high school students to serve with them as members of Board Committees.

Citizens interested in serving on a Board Committee should complete the application form below.

There is a separate application form for students.

Royal Oak Schools Board of Education Committees include:

  • Arts & Preservation:
    This committee supports historic preservation efforts (for example, the mural restoration project) throughout the district.
  • Communications:
    This committee is tasked with providing strategic guidance and oversight for all district communications. Ensures that the vision, goals, and plans of Royal Oak Schools are effectively developed and disseminated by maintaining clear and consistent messaging. The communications committee covers district communications, such as the website, social media, external publications, communication tools, student productions, and student voices.
  • Curriculum Advisory:
    This committee will share ideas about, receive updates, and provide feedback on the development of our district’s curriculum, instruction, and assessment initiatives.  Reports from the committee meetings will be shared with the Board of Education.
  • Finance & Facilities:
    This committee works with the Executive Director of Finance & Operations to provide direction for overall district asset management.  The committee monitors budget reports, technology and curriculum recommendations, reviews facility utilization, and provides input on both financial and facilities planning.
  • Wellness:
    This committee provides direction, oversight and builds awareness to support health-promoting activities for our students and staff.  These activities include nutrition, physical activity, substance use preventions and education, and mental health.  

For more information, contact Paula Sutterfied, Administrative Assistant to the Board and Superintendent, at 248-435-8400, ext. 1228.

Citizens Advisory Committee Calendar

Citizen Committee Application






Zip Code:  



# of Years as a City Resident:      

Do you have children attending Royal Oak Schools   Yes      No  


I am interested in participating with ROS on the following committees:

 Arts & Preservation       
 Curriculum Advisory   
 Finance & Facilities        

Please describe your professional strengths, or areas of expertise, and how they would apply to the
choice you have selected above:

Please tell us about other volunteer positions you have held or currently hold:

Please share any other information that you feel may help us better understand your interest and commitment:

 I certify that there are no misrepresentations, omissions, or falsifications in the preceding statements
and answers and that the entries made by me are true and complete.  I further agree that any misrepresentation
or falsification of any of the above information shall be cause for immediate rejection of this application and/or
termination of committee appointment.

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